Saturday, May 21, 2011

blog #6 extra credit

the first movie that i enjoyed watching was dead man dont wear plaid starring steve martin. although it wasnt a classic movie, the cinematography of it was pretty awesome. i was very impressed on how they incorporated a variety of movies in the film. To take the time to edit and cut out scenes to fit the film must have been exhausting and tiresome for the the editor. Overall the film was funny!
The second film that i found noteworthy was" Brazil". although this wasn't the type of movie that i usually watched i am glad i did. it was this weird but meaningful at the same time. It really open my horizons on the films that are out there that i have access to, but never take the initiative or intrest to watch them.

The third one that i really liked was "Volver" starring Penelope Cruz. i really like this adaptaition of a spanish soap opera that was shown throughout the movie. i like the way Pedro Almodovar was able to capture the realness of the characters by sticking to real emotions and thoughts of a true latin woman. i also love his use of colors throughout the movie; bright, vibrant colors such as red to fill in the shot.

i think every film student should watch "American Beauty". i think this is important film to watch because of the story behind it. the story might be simple and right the the point but the way the director captured this eerry mood throughout the movie, that leaves you shocked at the end, is one compelling thing to do for the audience. the movie leaves you at an unease feeling of confusion yet sadness for the characters.

For my second pick it would have to be 'The Postman Always Rings Twice". this film directed by Tay Garnett, was a nice Noir film that delt with a couple who's love was forbidden and thought of as immoral at that time of history. in the film her character was portrayed as a wife who was committing adultery with a an employee from her husbands restaurant. This film Noir was common back in that era. The style was very popular back then that every movie had to in a way compete with one another to produce a different feel to it for the audiences

Finally the last film that i think every film student should watch is "Vertigo" directed by Alfred Hitchcock. this film was a little slow but worth it at the end. i really liked the end of the movie where the story line gives the audience a little twist to the characters. this film is important to watch because of the way cinematography was shot back then. Today we use green screen to show movement if an actor is in a car, what they did with this film was mount the camera on the car to show the character driving as well as the background scene. The editing was done by George tomasini.

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