Tuesday, February 1, 2011

what makes a movie good

I think what really makes a movie a great movie is a great story line. i think its important for a writer to do research for a movie to insure its accuracy. Also the actors need to know what they are doing. if the actors are bad then the movies doesn't fall behind.
-one movie that i really enjoyed watching was "The Shining" with jack nicholson. its an old movie from the 80's in which a man is hired to take care of this hotel that is secluded  for about six months with his family.well after being there for about 2 months with just his family to keep him company, he starts losing his mind. this horror film is more of a phycological  film that is based on the the limits of a human being.
-another film that i enjoyed seeing was "Due Date" with Robert Downy Jr. this comedy had all its elements as to what a comedy should be in my opinion. the movie is a about of a determined man who is trying to reach his wife who is about to go into labor with his son. throughout the movie he faces all these setbacks and problems in which delays him even more. This particular movie keeps you laughing till the end credits. recommend this movie to anyone